I like the shape of this one, giving him a big chest and cool hair style

looking at silhouettes

I like the shape of this one but the chest needs to be bigger to get the stance that I want

I altered the shape slightly giving him a bigger chest and tail

I then thought of what his face may look like and what size to have his features

thinking about what face expressions he will make when he chokes up the E4 logo. I want him to shrink a little in size and his hair go flat, showing the opposite of confident as he tries to impress the lady's

how much of the eye do I want to show to give him that cool, relaxed and confident look

I like this shape head as I think it goes best with his big chest and masculine body

I then thought about the feet

how he'll walk and sit on his perch

how will he balance on the perch? will he use his wings?

I then thought about his hands, I want them to look like wings with the ability to be hands such as the feathers being fingers

too human like...

He needs to have wings otherwise the design will not work. Giving him a bigger chest and wing like arms will give him a better proportion

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