Saturday, 23 January 2010

research and references- Replay

As I want to experiment with sound a little more this time having the sound going along as though telling the story this is a good reference in the way that they have used it. The animation is about a young boy and his older sister who live in a deserted town. Unable to go outside without an air mask; the young boys older sister comes back into the home after looking for objects to sell on. Along with a torch his sister also finds a recorder and as they play the recorder we hear the sound of children playing and laughing; a voice saying "do you want to play?" this of course is questioned by the young boy as he listens to the children playing; what he should be doing at his age. You feel quite sad for the boy at this point as you realise that he is lonely.

After waking up in the morning the girl finds that her younger brother is not there and niether is the recorder, worried she rushes to go and find him. We see the boy walking the deserted streets, playing the recorder as he goes. The sounds playing on the recorder reflect the places that he walks but in the opostite manner to how they look i.e a whistling bird playing on the recorder but we only see the wire in which it would be sitting, a horn of a driving car but the car is broken down and abandoned. I like the way that the sound has been used and the way that it has affect on the animation; with out the sound the animnation wouldn't have as much meaning as it shows the difference between the two worlds.

We see the boy sit on a round about still playing the tape. As the camera pans across past a tree we see two children throwing a paper plane, the plane flies past the little boy and lands on the window of a derelict building. Realising what the boy is missing out on, he takes off his mask and the dull deserted place transforms into a brighter place and how it would have been but with out the people. The boys robotic leg transforms into a real leg and we then hear the voice again "do you want to play?" the boy then runs up to the children. The camera then cuts back to his sister as she hunts for her brother but she is still in the dark and dull world so at this point we realise that something isn't right. We then see her as she runs up to her brother as he lies dead on the floor, the camera ends on the recorder as it comes to the end of the tape.

I love the twist in this film and it is that twist that gives the reaction from the audience. This film is also emotional, the way that the young boy sacrifices his life to be free and like a child. This isn't something that we suffer with today but with how the climate change is going, in many years to come they say that our world will be a simular place. The animation gives you a lonely and quite an upsetting feeling, the colours of the animation also add to this effect; being dull and dark portrays the mood of the animation, as he becomes free the darkness becomes light and that then makes you feel happpier. So that is another thing that I need to consider for my animation; the colours that I will use will also have affect on the animation and sound.

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