Sunday, 23 May 2010

progress update

Well at the moment I am adding the rest of my objects to the scenes,adding the lighting and then rendering. I'm quite happy witht happy with the look of it but I will experiment more with the lighting and rendering ready for the graduation show and festival. The scenes are quite large so it is taking some time to do.

Character design- I feel my character design, modelling and texturing is definatley improving, with my last project instead of cutting up and unwrapping the geomtery I painted straight onto the mesh but this time I have tried UV mapping which is cutting up the geometry and unwrapping it so it is flat, then using the snap shot of the geometry's mesh I was able to add the textures. This was also my first time in modelling and animating a human, I think I have achieved two likable characters and it is great to see them animate after spending so long to design and develop, I will carry on improving these charters and will use these for more experimentation with animating and texturing.

Animation movement- The animating isn't the best but I think it will be strong enough to make this animation work. It will then be down to the editing to add the final feel of the animation. For the sound I have been looking at some royalty free sound tracks and are quite good quality, my intension was to have an original piece of music for this animation but as the guy has let me down this is the second option.

Character animation- There is no exact character whom I am basing my characters on, instead I am taking the feel of the story to create thier moods. By recording reference video's I was able to get some good ideas of camera angles and better animating. Such as the scene where the boy is sitting on the road flicking the stones, I have had good feed back on this scene and at the moment is looking to be the best; the camera angle and action. After taking a rough draft of the animtion to my tutor and class mates and getting feedback there were a few bits in the animation that I had to change and need to consider when it comes to adding the camera's. On the storyboard the boy turns around after the ball has been rolled towards him then the camera cuts to his mother waving, I have changed this by instead having her placing boxes to create a goal post, my tutor was unsure of what was going on because of the camera angle, when i come to render this scene I will have the goal posts centred. I then added a scene showing the boy kicking the ball towards the goal and then cuts to his mum hitting the ball out of the garden and into next doors garden... of course now the boy is inside the garden again so instead he will be looking at his next door neighbours house and then to across the road. As he turns around his mother will be holding the ball and this is when he has his idea. Another scene inwhich I had to change was the scene with he lawn mower, We decided to exaggerate a little and add a little something else at the end of the lawn mower going throug the fence to add to the 'things couldn't get any worse feeling' this part will mainly be about the editing; I will have cut scenes from her widening eyes to the falling vase. I will finish this shot of the broken vase and then continuing to the scene of the boy but again I have altered it slightly instead having the boy hiding behind the ball. There were a few more changes to make due to timing and movement which I have changed and hope that this imroves in my animation.

Texture- I think that my texturing has improved but there is still alot of room for improvemnt, i have more understanding of UV's and how they work and also bump mapping (adding depth to the texture)

The thing that I find with Maya especially is that once you know the main basics you kind of know how the rest of the program works (although there is soooo much to learn) but I feel for my last two projects I have improved alot with the understanding of Maya. One important thing I need to keep in mind is cleaning up my scenes and deleting the history on everything.

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